Aspire Performance

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Mastering goals and maintaining motivation

Successfully working towards a goal requires maintaining the first ultimate check point of motivation. Many times, when we see a goal brought from pen to paper, our brains become fixated on all the work it will take to get there, and then vvvvvip, goes the spark of excitement.

This leads to the question, “How can I feel as excited to work towards my goal, as I am when I first set it?”

Once a goal is set, it is helpful to find a consistent stream of stimulation that enables you to continue on the path to either a level of mastery or a specific prize. It’s about readjusting your focus from the big picture of the ultimate goal to the smaller tangible parts.

In working with several athletes on a weekly basis, we have found the common link among those that reach their goals to be this: a persistent effort to refocus from big-picture thinking to taking one step at a time and breaking things down into a patterned path without over analyzing the cracks. Also, instead of seeking motivation itself, they generate it by setting up small situations in which they can feel fulfilled, in turn motivating themselves to want to achieve more. This includes separating the cognitive aspects of training from physical training so they can then enjoy the physical work by letting the brain slip into the body. Here are some ideas to help you do the same:

Choose 1 day per week to “think on” your goals

Set 1 day per week to write, meditate and think about your ultimate goal.

This is a time to not only become aware of your current spot, but also to gauge if there are adjustments that you need to be making in the week to come. During this time, you are not judging or scoring anything, rather you are stimulating your mind to become more aware of which action items seem natural to adjust. Then spend the rest of the week paying attention to the small steps.

Micro-manage your overall wellness

Pinpoint 1 next level step that you could take in the following areas:

  • Education: i.e. study something consistently for an extra 15 minutes a day

  • Physical training/strength: even if it seems like you are in top condition, there are always preventative and maintenance exercises that can help assure your system is intact. Ask yourself: is my core strong, do I work to keep my ankles, knees, hips and shoulders stable? Etc.

  • Stretching/flexibility: if you are flexible it may be important for you to look into joint mobilization and yoga poses and/or abdominal breathing to increase core-utility

  • Social interaction: connect with your tribe, work on listening and interacting to enhance your relationships with others; focus on open and transparent communication; ask for help or work to express your feelings with sincerity or strength   

  • Nutrition/hydration: listen to your body, make your food choices a resource for your body. We love this formula as a reminder to summarize the latter mentioned tips:

Positive lifestyle changes + positive emotional work = motivation which opens the door for mastery

Practice Effective Resiliency

Train your brain to make the most of what is presented to you.

There are several different ways that we can handle mistakes. Off the cuff statements like “it’s no big deal, brush it off,” are not always bad, depending on who says them to you. They can be a quick re-focus fix. But if you do not have faith in the source it is coming from, and you need an alternative perspective you can also use a zoom out strategy. When stuck in thought, ask yourself:

Is THIS going to affect me in…

5 minutes?

5 hours?

5 days?

5 months?

5 years?

Most often the answer is no, so it’s clear that you need to let it go. But if a YES springs into the mix, then it is time to re-focus on the controllable aspects of what is in play. Zoom back into your action items by paying attention to what is important to accomplish in the next few steps.

Consistently implementing the strategies mentioned: 1 day per week of goal meditation, choosing a next level step in each of the lifestyle categories and training your mind to make the most of what is presented to you, will allow a steady stream of motivation to flow. You will feel more in control of the actions that you are taking, making them something that you want to do rather than something that you have to do; most importantly, each step will feel like an accomplishment towards your over all goal.